Register for Buddha's Birthday April Sesshin

In sesshin we settle our distracted minds by sitting for extended periods of zazen, eating mindfully, and resting deeply. Sesshin, which translates from the Japanese as “collecting the heart-mind,” provides a rare chance to step into a sanctuary of stillness. You can close the door for a while on the world’s cacophony and appreciate the freedom and spaciousness of life in the present moment.

$135 for non-members, $120 for NZC members, pay what you can

Date and time
Friday, April 4, at 2 pm to Sunday, April 6, at noon

Registration Deadline
Wednesday, April 2, 2025

Nebraska Zen Center

The sesshin will include multiple periods of sitting and walking meditation; dharma talks; traditional, oryoki-style meals; Zen chanting liturgy; temple care (also known as mindful cleaning); body practice (eg, yoga); rest breaks; and an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the teacher. In sesshin, we refrain from unnecessary speech and settle into silence.

The cost is $135 for non-members, $120 for NZC members, or pay what you can.

Refund Policy: Due to the advanced planning and preparation required to host the retreat, registration fees are no longer refundable after the registration deadline has passed. If you cancel before the registration deadline, the registration fee is refundable, less any administrative fees (i.e. PayPal fees).

Who is registering?
We’ll never share this information with anyone.
Personal Info

Credit Card Info
This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Billing Details

Emergency Contact

Please list a person & their phone number we should contact in the unlikely event of an emergency.

Meditation and Sesshin Experience

Do you have a regular meditation practice? It's not necessary to have any prior meditation experience.

Have you attended any sesshins or retreats?

General Needs

Do you own your own oryoki place setting for meals (bowls, utensils, placemat)? A personal oryoki set is not required to attend. We will provide one if needed.

Do you own an oryoki set? Required

If you do not or cannot attend the whole sesshin, let us know which parts you can attend.

We can provide housing for a limited number of participants on a first-come, first-served basis. Please let us know if you'd like to stay overnight, and which nights.

Life Circumstances and Influences
Do you have any physical illness, food allergies, physical limitations, or special needs?

Are there any stressful life circumstances that might make the retreat difficult for you at this time (e.g., recent loss of a loved one or job, substance use, fasting, etc.).

Is there anything else that might be helpful for us to know at this time to support you during the event?

Statement of Retreat Participation

I understand that my participation in the Zazenkai is entirely voluntary and I am free to withdraw or leave the the retreat at any time without penalty, except for the non-refundable fee. At the present time, I am planning to participate in the entire retreat:

I Agree Required

I understand I am responsible for my physical and psychological safety throughout and after the retreat. Accordingly, in order to be accepted into Zazenkai, I agree that neither Nebraska Zen Center nor any of its employees, officers, board members, trainees, or teachers will be liable to me or to any other person for any loss or injury suffered by me in connection with my participation, whether or not caused by an act or omission of Nebraska Zen Center or such persons

I Agree Required
Question or Comments

Please add any other questions or comments regarding your participation in Zazenkai.

Press Donate Now to submit your registration. You will be taken to PayPal to complete your payment. Thank You!
Donation Summary
Payment Amount
Giving Frequency
One time
Cover Donation Fees
Ensures 100% of your donation reaches our cause
Donation Total

Donation Total: $135