September Sesshin

Friday, September 13 – Sunday, September 15

Open to everyone.

Nebraska Zen Center will offer a three-day sesshin from Friday, September 13, at 2 pm to Sunday, September 15, at noon. Rev. Daishin McCabe will lead us. 

In sesshin we settle our distracted minds by sitting for extended periods of zazen, eating mindfully, and resting deeply. Sesshin, which translates from the Japanese as “collecting the heart-mind,” provides a rare chance to step into a sanctuary of stillness. You can close the door for a while on the world’s cacophony and appreciate the freedom and spaciousness of life in the present.

The sesshin will include multiple periods of sitting and walking meditation; dharma talks; traditional, oryoki-style meals; Zen chanting liturgy; temple care (also known as mindful cleaning); body practice (eg, yoga); rest breaks; and an opportunity to meet one-on-one with the teacher. In sesshin, we refrain from unnecessary speech and settle into silence.

Also, this weekend will be a special opportunity to practice with Gyokei Yokoyama from the Soto Zen Buddhist Association. He will be visiting Nebraska Zen Center during his travels through the midwest on behalf of Soto Zen Buddhism North America.

If interested, complete and submit a registration form and pay the registration fee by the end of the day on September 11.

Partial attendance is possible. Please email Daishin at if you will only be attending part of the sesshin.

$135 for nonmembers / $120 for members / or pay what you can