Jukai Ceremony

Jukai Ceremony + Potluck

Sunday, March 24

10 am–12pm

In the Zen tradition, to receive jukai is to publicly express one’s personal commitment to the sixteen ethical codes that help preserve individual and collective well-being. It is not about submitting to an external authority or teacher who decides one’s fate. Instead, the person receiving the precepts vows to use them as a reference point or template to meet each day in a way that decreases suffering and increases happiness. 

Over the past several months, six members of the NZC sangha—Diane, Carrie, Benji, Fergus, Jenny, and Karalee—have prepared to receive the precepts by studying, attending group discussions, sewing a rakusu (an abbreviated version of the traditional Buddhist robe which is worn around the neck), and writing their kechimyaku, or lineage chart. At Sunday’s jukai ceremony, precepts students will receive their rakusus, as well as a dharma name and lineage papers.

On March 24, NZC will have the jukai ceremony in place of Open Zen. Jukai is a celebration for our whole community. After the ceremony, we will gather to share a potluck. We hope you will join us, and invite you to bring your favorite vegetarian dish to share.

10 am: zazen

10:30 am: jukai ceremony

Community potluck to follow  

Family and friends are welcome.

You can join zazen and the ceremony on Zoom:
